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Need a Second Opinion?

Medical images of the spine during the minimally invasive treatment procedures.
Published Akshay Hari on June 28, 2020

Don’t fear while we are here. 

Having a spine related problem can be daunting enough and being suggested a surgery might only intimidate you further. 

Our spine specialist at Spine 360, understands that deciding about surgery can be a highly confusing process.

That is why taking a second opinion might be a good idea.

Informed choice

Spine surgeries are often major operations and the decision of whether or not to have it is an individual choice. While the surgeon might recommend surgery, the final approval has to come from you. In order for you to make that decision, you should be as informed as possible. This means asking your surgeon as many questions as possible to fully understand the problem. Getting a second opinion can aid in the decision process and might provide some peace of mind.

Rest assured that taking a second opinion from another specialist will not offend your current doctor. We strongly encourage patients to seek second opinions and also welcome second opinions. It is after all, a vital means of empowering and educating yourself about your condition and your options.

Consider all possible options

By knowing all possible options, you will be in a  better position to make an informed judgement. This is especially true if you feel unsure about your treatment options. 

In spine surgery, it is not uncommon to find different procedures or different approaches being recommended to treat the same condition. While one surgeon may recommend traditional open surgery, another surgeon may recommend a minimally invasive approach. Sometimes a third surgeon might be more conservative and not suggest surgery at all. Quite often, there may be no single right or wrong option. It is just that there are various ways to treat a given condition. That is why it becomes important for you to play an active role in deciding the best option that suits you.

Nowadays, with the advent of newer technology, there are many advanced imaging techniques, minimally invasive approaches available, it is only wise that patients should be aware of these and consider getting a second opinion from another neuro or spinal surgeon.

What we do

Patient satisfaction is key. 

We treat all patients with an unbiased approach. All previous images, diagnostic tests are thoroughly reviewed, and further evaluation or appropriate treatment is recommended. By working together as a team, our aim is to give to the patient adequate clarity and guidance with the decision process.

How we do it

  1. Review, Re-assess and Re-confirm the diagnosis - Additional tests may be suggested - since many spinal conditions look alike on initial imaging, advanced imaging may be needed to verify your condition. Accurate diagnosis is critical to creating the best treatment plan.
  2. Treatment strategies – Not every surgeon or hospital has access to the most advanced technology or has the specialized training to perform minimally invasive surgery. We usually try to suggest minimal-access alternatives for most conditions.
  3. Risk assessment – Various treatment options carry varied risks. Detailed evaluation of patient’s age and general health, medical and family history is performed. Second opinion will be based on the individual situation.
  4. Recommendation – Our surgeons will recommend a course of treatment that we believe is best suited for you.
  5. Ultimate Decision – It is you, the patient, who will be the final decision maker. But we will stand by you to help and guide you to make the right choice.

So, are you ready to request a second opinion?

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Akshay Hari

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