The cervical spine is the part of your spine lying between your cranium and the thoracic vertebrae. It is also identified by a group of small bones comprising that part of the spine supporting your neck.
A cervical disc prolapse occurs when the central gel-like substance of a spinal disc bursts through a vulnerable section in the sturdy outer wall. Just imagine the filling being forced out from a jelly doughnut. This is precisely what happens during a cervical disc prolapse. When the oozing out material compresses a spinal nerve, it results in pain or tingling in the neck or arm.
Cervical disc prolapse is also known as ruptured/ bulging/ slipped/ herniated disc. It is a condition that not only causes pain and discomfort but, in rare cases, can also rip the nerve impulses, resulting in permanent nerve damage. Occasionally, the signs and symptoms of cervical disc prolapse may actually worsen over time instead of improving and resolving spontaneously. The condition can also deteriorate if left untreated or when involved in activities that aggravate it.
Neglecting a developing disk problem may result in long-lasting pain and decreased control or sensation in the affected area. A cervical disc prolapse problem that extends beyond 4-6 weeks requires immediate medical attention.
Spine 360 in Bangalore, offers evidence-based, patient-centric treatments for disc prolapse issues. Our highly skilled spine doctors and knowledgeable therapists provide the most effective treatments to help you gain sustained relief and prevent further deterioration of the condition.